formerly Newport, Monmouthshire, UK

Dedicated to the war dead of Newport City, Gwent formerly Newport,
Monmouthshire lost in all confrontations.
The majority of names on
this website have originally come from two Rolls of Honour books held at the
Reference Library in Newport, Gwent. There is one for each world war and I
recognise that there are mistakes in both of them which will be repeated
here, as well as some names will be omitted unintentionally but can be
rectified if I am informed.
The details
supplied by both books have been supplemented by further information obtained from the Commonwealth
War Graves Commission website as well as the addition of photographs of
the individuals if they can be obtained or of their graves or of a
memorial in or containing their name.
It should be noted that with some names, I have been unable to find any
trace of them on the CWGC website and other names seem to have little or
no connection with Newport.
I trust the integrity of the original researchers and not knowing the
criteria that they laid down to consider someone as being one of Newport's
War Dead, I have not removed any of the original names as listed in both
books. I have how ever found many more names that should have been
included but were not and they are now in this data base.
"at the going
down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them (by name)"
This web site
recognises the work done by Mr Mike Etchells in compiling the names for the
World War II book and a number of unknown Newport school teachers who
complied the World War I book and
without the effort that these persons put into their books, then this web
site would not have happened.
I have now set up a sister web site listing the war dead of Cwmbran and
To visit this site
Also check out
the Monmouthshire Warriors web site for photo's of those that served
from the villages and towns on Monmouthshire.
To visit this
Listen to some
of the songs from World War One by clicking
The lists
under the letters below gives the
Surname, Christian names, Age, Date of Death,
Service, Number, Rank, Awards (in bold text), Next of Kin, where buried or where listed on a
memorial, grave number or plaque number and where else listed on a local
memorial ie. school.
All the information is as known and will not be
complete and I would welcome further information about any of these
There are approximately
(Revised) 3492 casualty names of Newport's war dead both military and civilian, 12 Allied
casualties, 3 German war dead and 1 VC recipient's suicide
his story here) in this data
The Newpor war dead consist of
approxiamately 1841 WW1 deaths and 1491 WW2 deaths (16
September 2018)
Information about the persons from the Commonwealth War graves Commission website
and also
The Armed Forces
Memorial Web site
Photographs of the Royal Naval
Memorial in Plymouth are reproduced here with the kind permission of Mr
Chris Goddard from his web site
Plymouth Naval Memorial [click
Photographs of the ships have been sourced
from varuious searches of the internet as well as
Old Ship
Photo's etc.
Some information about the
lads of the Merchant Navy aged 16 and under from Newport who died has come
from Mr Billy McGee's book called "They Shall Grow Not Old" ISBN No.
978-0-9557441-3-6 and is reproduced with his kind permission.
Newport's Roll of
Click on the
Alphabet below for the surnames of Newport's War Dead
Click the buttons below
for specific information about various categories.

Local Memorials Young Service
Casualties Female Casualties Young Civilian Casualties Can You
Allied National's Graves Newport's German
War Dead Verse's and Quotations

South Wales Argus
What's New?

WW2 Roll of Honour book Guestbook
Contact me - Click here.
20th October 2007
music playing is the "Green Fields of France" or also known as "Willie
McBride" and "No Man's Land"
written and sung by
Eric Bogle.
For the lyrics of this song
please click... HERE
With special thanks
to Dennis Taylor, Rogerstone for lending me his signed copy of Mike
Etchells Roll of Honour WW2 book , Mr Ronald Pope at Christchurh
cemetery, Newport for showing me where quite a number of war graves lie
and pointing out some interesting facts that led me to some other
unrecognised war dead, Mr Terry Underwood for the Gimlett photographs, Mr Ron Black at Newport's
Synagogue, David Woolven for Newport High
School casualties, Mr Stephen Hales for the Lysaght's (Orb)
Steelworks memorial, Dennis Bennett for NAC and Newport Rugby Club
memorials, Annita Ashurst and Mr John Spurrier-Davies, Mayors
Mr Steve Veysey for information about RN casualties in WW1, Mr Billy McGee for the amount of ships photographs that he sent
me and for the information on a number of Newport MN seamen who died in
war and are not recognised by the CWGC as war dead,
Mr Mark Hewinson for a number of memorial photographs
and of the St Woolos cemetery plots, Mr Grahan Walters,
especially all the families that have sent me photographs to add
to the names of their loved ones and Mr Hilary Thornley of Pinner,
Middlesex whose own research was one of the inspirations for this web site.
© remains with their owners
Shaun McGuire 2008