Newport's War Dead
gformerly Newport,
Monmouthshire, UK
Newport's Roll of
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South Wales Argus
What's New?

WW2 Roll of Honour book Guestbook
16th December
Two new casualties added, John
Meredith Taylor andErnest Frank Davies. More photos of casualties,
headstones and memorials also added.
18th November 2022
Eight new casualties added. Herman Gooding, W
Wakefield, Stanley Williams, Tom Ledge, John Jarrett, Charles Gray, E H
Martin, Thomas Hale and Charles Bright. Some new photographs of casualties
added and of memorials on family graves at St. Woolos cemetery supplied by
Mark Hewinson.
9th July 2021
One new casualty added, Bohdan
Anders. One casualty photo added, G A Groom and three memorial headstone
photos added.
11th May 2021
Three new casualties added, Trevor
David, Reg
Pearson and Henri Littaye, a decorated French sea captain, name in the
Allied section. 34 photographs of memorials to the war dead on family
graves, courtesey of © Mark Hewinson and three casualty photos
26th December 2020.
Three new casualties added, Mendle
Cohen, William Husband and Olof Herman Jonsson. Nine new casualty photos
added and 23 headstone and family memorial photos allso added.
27th June 2020.
One new casualty added, three photos
and other grave photos also added,
30th April 2020
More headstone photos added as well
as four photos of casualites, Guido Conti, F J Howell, Trevor Moore
and k A Pinchin. One new casualty Jamrs McDonald added as he was murdered
in Newport's Athletic club in 1919 whilst on active service.
1st December 2019.
Three casualty names added and a
number of casualty and headstone photos also added.
10th October 2019.
Some more Newport casualty names added and
those from elsewhere that died and are buried at St. Woolos cemetery. As
they are now technically Newport's war dead, I have added their names.
Updated the grave reference numbers of those at St. Woolos from the
priginal CWGC listings as they didn't make much sense and should now be
easier to locate if you have a mp of the grave layout.
28th September 2019
Over 50 headstone photographs and a
number of casualty photographs added.
29th June 2019.
Numerous photos mainly of headstones
with some casualty photos and bits of informatio added.
7th February 2019
Two new casualties added and a
number of photographs of casuatues and headstones added.
16th November 2018
Three more casualties added as well
as a small number of caualty photos and photos of headstons, death plaques
and some documents.
3rd November 2018.
More casualty images added and more
headstone photos.
28th October 2018.
One casualty photo added, more
headstone ohotos, letters from Albert Sockett and pages from thebible of
Job William White also added to their entries.
18th October 2018
Some photos of headstones and
casualties added.
14th September 2018.
More photos of headstones and ships
12th September 2018.
Five new casualty images added plus
a number more of headstone.
4th September 2018.
Futher photographs of casualties and
headstones added to the web site.
22nd June 2018.
More photos of two casualties added,
Herbert Beckett and Raymond Cruickshank. Morephotos of headstones added.
2nd May 2018.
Some more casualties names added and
other various photographs.
27th April 2018.
More photos of casualties,
headstones, ships, etc. added.
21st January 2018
1st December 2017
24 new casualties
added. These are men not from Newport but men who died and were buried in
Newport and will forever be Newport's war dead.
4th November 2017
Quite a number of photographs of
headstones, a number of casualties and some others added.
23rd August 2017.
New photograph of James Edward
Lusted added as well as more photographs of graves and ships.
9th July 2017
More headstone and other
photographs added.
5th April 2017.
Two new casualties added,
Bernard Davies and JohnRobe.
26th December 2016.
New casualty added, Craig
Jeffery Pantry killed by the IRA on 2nd November 1991.
21st December 2016
Havelock Street Presbyterian
Church war memorial added on the Memorials page. also a number of other
photo's of headstones, ships and other information added.
21st November 2016.
Web site search box added to all
web pages. Over the weeks a number of photographs and other items added to
various individuals with more to come.
31st July 2016
Anumber of new photographs of
the headstones and grave memorials added to some of the casualties
20th April 2016
Photographs of the new memorial
on the banks of the river Usk to the men of the Monmouthshire regiments
that died at the Battle of the Frezenberg Ridge on the 8th May 1915 added.
Also photographs of the wooden sculpture added to the Drill memorial on
Stow Hill and also dedicated on the 8th May 2016. This sculpture depicts
Cpt Harold Thorne Edwards and his stance against the German army on the
8th of May 1915.
6th March 2016
One new casualty added,
Charles Edward Jones and a photograph of a hand drawn memorial to the boys
of the YMCA Bible Class who served and died in WW1, This was drawn by a
Newport artist and
architect, Charles Compton and the photo was sent to me by Jeff Smith.
5th January 2016
One new casualty added, Harold Martin
Lucroft, crew member of the SS. Empire Whale.
25th November 2015
Photo's added of the graves of Lester and
John Hill, a father and young son killed in an air raid on 31st May 1941
and Frederick Powles and William Warrington casualties of WW1, all buried
at the St. Woolos cemertery.
23rd October 2015
New casualty added, Alan Coughlan died 28th October
16th October 2015
One new casualty added, Frederick Theobald.
22nd September 2015.
New photo ofLeslie Simmonds added and a photo of
the grave of F. Blunt.
21st September 2015
Two new photo's of James Craddock added and three
photos of a grave at St. Woolos cemetery with a memorial to Herberrt John
14th July 2015
New photo of Andrew Slattery added.
19th May 2015
Three new casualties added, William John Carney,
Thomas Henry Griffiths, Hubert Harbon Taylor,
15th March 2015
Four new casulaties added, A H Collings, A Haycock, J
Millwater and I C Woolcock.
26th February 2015
Two names of German soldiers that died in Newport in
world war one and were initially buried at St. Woolos cemetery added. Both these
mens bodies as well as the three German airmens bodies who died here in
world war two have been reinterred at the German war cemetery at Cannock Chase.
23rd February 2015
Photograph of the Heinkel 111P2 bomber that crashed
onto 32 Stow Park Avenue added. Taken in 1939 and it looks like at least one of
the crew Johannes Elster who died when it crashed is on the far left of the
2nd February 2015
Two new photographs of Arthur John Pope added and
the delipadated fgamily grave of Norman Newland which has a memorial to him
inscribed on it.
15th January 2015
One new casualty added, Ernest Binding, born
Newport 1890, moved to West Wales with wife.
8th January 2015
Photograph of William Louis Victor Simpson
3rd December 2014
New photograph of the Guest,
Keen and Nettlefolds, Rogerstone memorial added.
Thirteen new casualties added found on the GKN
(Rogerstone) Memorial. Some may be listed alredy but without further
information to specifically identify them, then they have to be treated as
new casualties. They are, W Bennellick, A Bowman, G Dabbs, J Davies, J
Dawson, E A Dorkings, S Ford, F Jones, J Lyndon, E Parrish, J Tierney and
J White.
2nd November 2014
Four new casualties added, Arthur Gomer, died
from injuries received in 1918 after the cut-off date of 31st August 1921
and Emily Wilson (nee Green) and her two children Frank and Dorethy who
drowned when the Lusitania was torpedoed on 7th May 1915.
16th October 2014
One new casualty added, Charles Edward Friend and
fourteen names from the Lysaghts memorial also added, J Cousins, J
Doughty, T A Geary, G green, J Henry, J Johnson, R Johnson, J Salter, T
Shea, R Stewart, H Streeter, G Sumner and R Taylor.
30th August 2014
New photograph of Harold Frederick Davies added.
Harold was killed whwn HMS Matebele was sunk.
21st August 2014
Albert Victor Logan a new casulaty added.
9th August 2014
Two new casualties added. James Arkinstall and E
R Turner.
19th July 2014
Added Annie Elizabeth Brewer, not technically a
recognised war dead casualty but deservidly needs to be considered as one
becuase of the service you gave to King and Country annd to France.
9th June 2014
Many more photo's of ships and RAF badges added.
25th May 2014
75 new WW2 casualties added, W G Adams, F
Allimonakis, A E Amman, K S Ball, R H Beer, C L Belcher, R T Bennett, L O
Bevan, W G F Bevan, A F Birley, K H Brittle, D T Brown, W A Bullock, H E
Chandler, A Clarke, V J T Cooke, H W Cosson, J W Craddock, J G Daniels, E
D C Davies, W Davies, C S Davies, L A Davies, D L Donovan, C Duffy,
D R Evans, R C Evans, A P Evans, E S Evans, C W Fulbeck, P Golightly, M H
Good, R W Gullick, S J Hale, F Harris, J Hogan, T J Hopkins, W F
Humberstane, J Hutchison, W Impey, W Isaac, H A James, R Jeffries, R
Johnson, H J Lavender, S W Lawrence, A W Lovell, E Meredith, A J Meredith,
R Morgan, C B Morgan, D Morris, T E Oldfield, T C Osborne, G Pernarowski,
S J Riding, K W Shipp, D K C Sims, R S P Smith, W C Smith, E A Smith, R C
Smith, F B Spellman, M Sproule, G L Stewart, E J F Vick, E B Watkins, R E
G Wensley, N C Whitaker, M C W Wiles, D L Williams, D Williams, J
Williams, C R Wood and H Wright.
11th May 2014
138 new WW1 casualties added to database.
E H Allan,
J Allen, S Anami, T Appleby, S Armstrong, R Attewell, D Bacon, J H
Bargery, W N Beer, J Beer, G Bethel, W J Blake, W G C Bowen, F Bradshaw, J
Breeze, E Brooks, W Broughton, E Bryant, J H Burt, T W Busfield, C Butt, F
W Buttle, C R J Campbell, F Collier, C Couch, H Cummings, E Daley, N
T Daniel, L Dare, W A Davies, A H Davies, C G Dean, H R Dewar, W J
Donovan, A Dring, H G Dutton, H Dyer, E Dyer, J Ebbright, J M Elliott, F A
Elliott, G N Espeland, A Evans, P T Evans, H J Ford, G Franks, F Garcia, W
G S Gardner, J A Gore, C Greenwood, C Gregory, L H Griffen, W J Gullick, A
P Hall, H W Hancock, M Hansen, A Harding, A S W Hardy, A H H Harmer, F J
Harris, H Heybyrne, T E Hooper, T Hopkins, W Hopkins, T Hopkins, W H
Hughes, W J Hughes, N James, G F James, E James, B Jenkins, A Jenkins, H
Jones, T Jones, A J Jones, E Jones, W Jordan, T Keefe, T Kift, F Land, J L
Lewis, C R Limberry, G H Lixton, T E Lloyd, J E Lusted, D Martinez, J
McPherson, J W Merriman, H Morgan, D V Murphy, J O'Leary, W E Packer, E
Parker, S Peake, J H Peters, W G Pitt, A W Pope, H Preece, J Price, R H
Read, R S Rees, A E Rees, J Regan, I Richards, E T Richards, F Rideout, W
G Simmons, C I Skelton, S J Smith, S Stokes, W T Thomas, A Thomas, R W
Thompson, J Touliatos, W Trevorrow, E Troath, W A Trotman, J E Tucker, W T
Turner, W Vaughan, A Villeneuve, E F W Waite, R Waters, O C Waters, D G
Webster, S G West, W P Whitaker, G P White, C J Wilkie, G Williams, J C
Williams, M E Williams, J Williams, A E Williams, H J Wood, G Workman.
17th March 2014
Three new casualties added, George
Widowfield, William Henry Hopkins and Christopher Thomas Verrinder
23 January 2014
Four photo's added of family graves at St Woolos
cemetery with memorials to family members who died in WW1. They are RM
Duncanson, SR Duncanson, FL Hathway, AP Jones and H Parkes. My thanks to
Mark Hewinson for the photo's.
22nd January 2014
17 years old Stephen Broderick addes as a
new casualty.
26th December 2013
Pages of the the World War Two Roll of
Honour book held at Newport Reference Library added.
30th November 2013
New photo of James Vickery added.
27th November 2013
Some photo's of family graves in St Basil's
church, Bassaleg that have memorials to family members killed in WW2. The
men are John Angus Basham, Winston Seymor Berry, William Henry Harvey and
Stanley Sayce.
24th November 2013
Three new casualties added,
Roland Barkus, W R Williams and William Thomas Williams.
23rd November 2013
Photo's of the WW2 memorial in St Thomas's
church. Maesglas added.
27th October 2013
Photographs of Idris Victor Tamplin added
2nd October 2013
Two new casualties added, Charles Cooling
and W Jones (8th May 1915). Three new photograghs of casualties added,
E Bowden, H T Edwards and A G Kimber. Also 13 photographs of headstones.
26th September 2013
Details of Percival Cecil Windsor Evans and
Harold Colin Lawrence updated and photographs of Harold Lawrence and his
grave also added.
4th September 2013
Photographs of the memorials and
Standards along with other objects held in the Mission to Seafarers at
Newport Docks added to the Memorials web page.
16th August 2013
St. Stephen's and Temple Street memorial
thumbnails and links added to the names listed on them.
15th August 2013
Three new names added to the casualty list from the
Old Temple Street Boys memorial although I haven't added their numbers to
the total casualty figure as I suspect they are already listed. They are
Samuel French, Thomas Hale and William Perry
13th August 2013
WW1 memorial in St. Stephen's church, Pill added and
also the memorial from the Old Temple Street school, Pill that is held in
St. Stephen's chutch also added.
11th May 2013
New casualty added, Albert Cording. Details of Robert
Vernon price upadted and new photographs of grave ave and death plaque
added to to Oliver Beddow's entry.
27th April 2013
Three new photographs added od A E Sealey, D L Webb
and H R Lewis.
20th April 2013
One new casuaulty added, Alfred Broome and the Maindee Conservative Club memorial to
members lost in World War Two.
24th March 2013
Wilfred Ball aged 17 added.
21st March 2013
World War One memorials from the Summerhill Batish
Church added along with photographs of the casualties named.
8th March 2013
Two new casualties G W Hipkiss and P Holbrook added.
4th March 2013
New photographs of the Cruickshank family added.
Father and brother in WW1 and son in WW2.
2nd March 2013
Photograph of the memorial in St. Julian's Methodist
church added.
27th February 2013
Photograph of David James Thomas, father of
Leslie Thomas, Newport's famous author added. Photo of the Havelock Street
Presbytarian church war memorial added. This
plaque was originally erected in Newport's Central Hall.
5th February 2013
New colour photograph of Gerald Jones and six
other pilots of 257 Squadron RAF added.
It was taken at RAF Warmwell on the 13th May
13th November 2012
Photographs of the memorials
to the 18th Newport Scout Group that used to hang in the Wesleyan church,
Commercial Road, Newport added.
Many thanks to Wayne Gibbon
for the images.
2nd November 2012
Seven new casualties added, C W Blackley, R
Bryant, G Eaves, R Paul, F E Ryder, W G Slate and P J Vickery. 37
memorials added, all from the Argus's July - December 1947. This is the
end of the time for official WW2 war deaths.
20th October 2011
Six new casualties added, T Davies, TB Davies, WO
Griffiths, LF Hughes, M Jones and AS Radford. 37 memorials added from the Jan -
June 1947 Argus's.
22nd September 2012
11new casualties added. J Fear, WIJ Frost, R
Griffithe, WT Harley, LG Ledger, CA Morgan, AN Nicholls, BJ Peverelle, SH Preece,
FE Ryder and MS Williams.
156 Obituaries and memorials including one
memorial from the Vulcan Hotel to its customers lost in war
20th August 2012
21 new casualties added, AO Allsopp, WM Ashford, S
Blanchard, J Coslett, F Cotterell, T Fitzpatrick, WHB Hart, WA Harris, B
Hourihane, A Jayne, OE Jerrett, A Laign, AC Lang, WH Leyland, G Munday, J Noakes,
T Reilly, JM Taylor, J Thomas, LW Wade and ET Watkins.
124 Obituaries and Roll of Honour's added.
27th July 2012
229 new obituaries. Roll of Honour etc. added.
32 new causalties added,
FH Blake, HL Bowen, JB Cornick, JT Edward, WB Evans,
JG Evans, JHR Gibbs, KH Gilbert, MRF Harris, TR Horton, FJ Howell, S Lampree, D Lawson, HC Lewis, CW Lightwood, ET Mann, JC Moore,
FW Morgan, GAO Oliver, TM Park, P Patterson, RE Pice,
JE Roberts, VL Roberts, LG Smith, MJ Sullivan, F Thomas, G Watkins, G Williams,
M Williams, NL Winson and F Wyatt.
8th July 2012
Two new photographs of Edward Truman added.
20th June 2012
Edward George Truman RAF added. Died 23rd
September 1943
23rd May 2012
Photograph's of John Frederick Smith, the Home
Guard killed in the Bombing on 1st July 1941.
21st May 2012
New photographs of the Moss and Rees children who
died when the City of Benares was sunk added.
19th April 2012
Sapper Connor Ray, died 18th April 2012 from
injuries received in Afghanistan.
12th April 2012
274 new obituaries, Roll of Honour's, etc added.
17 new casualties added, W I Belcher, I Birden, J
M Deane, W J Edwards, J P Feruga, H W James, T Jenkins, F G Joblin, R J G Jones,
W J Luffman, J E Ryan, V C Sherring, E G Thomas, J H Walter, R T Weeks, D H
Wheeler and J A Young.
All from between Jan - June 1945
7th April 2012
Eight new casualties added, Leslie Deakin, John E
Hatch, Reginald A James, James J R Langley, Arthur J Parry, Thomas J Pavey,
Herbert P C Seignot and John H Walter.
31 new images of casualties between Jan - June
1945 added.
11th February 2012,
71 new images of casualties from July -
December 1944 added.
Eleven casualties added, W I Belcher, S
Broderick, A Coughlan, W C Durstan, H G Miller, D G Mole, J H Moores, J T Newey,
G W Phillips, W Saunders and L G Smith.
19th January 2012
New photo (© Mike Deacon)
of William Gorton's grave in the Workington (Harrington Road) Cemetery added.
16th January 2012
New images of the Cruikshank family added and one
George V Smith.
29th December 2011
J T Newey added to names.
20th December 2011
All below published
between Jan - Jun 1944
250 new obituaries and Roll of Honours,
etc added.
32 new casualties added, J B Ashmore, A W
Berry, A E Bowen, B G Capel, F W Cousins, W C Daly, M Davies, C B Evans,
C L T Greening, H G Henry, D C Howells, G J Hunt, R C Ivin, C A V
Jeffreys, H C Lawrence, L Mais, A Morgan, R W G Morgan, J S Norbury, C T
Parker, G A Peacock, J Reardon, W H Richards, R G Sharp, J J Smith, J
Thompson, L R Thompson, D H Wheeler and R Williams.
16th December 2011
37 images of casualties published between
Jan - Jun 1944 added.
November 2011
13 new casualties
added, R W Attwood, J C M Brown, W C Jenkins, A G Kempster, S Lucas, A I
Mugford, G L Nevison, W J Nicholas, H E Pope, D P Sullivan, A J Thomas,
R H P Thomas and C G Williams.
243 obituaries, RoH's
etc added up to December 1943.
November 2011
Nine casualties added.
R L Colverson, J W Forrest, D Lloyd, P G Lloyd, J A O'Brien, V N G
Ralph, G E Rickard, L J Simpson and F E Sulley.
65 casualty images
added all between June and December 1943
November 2011
Photographs of the
Langstone Village Hall memorial to those that died from the
Photographs courtesy of
Gerard Hancock
November 2011
Noel White from Langstone
November 2011
Leonard Williams from
Caerleon added.
October 2011
Six new casualties
added, F E M Hicks, T E D James, A C Jones, A W Lane, H C Pearce and G
145 obituaries, RoH etc
October 2011
Five new casualties
added, T Blackburn, T Dumayne, T Lawery, W Locke, T Tasker and 50 new
13th October
Six new casualties added, J
E D Brewer, B D Davies, C M Edwards, T Lawery, J Shine and H A Wilson.
113 Obituaries and Roll of
Honour's added.
September 2011
Three new casualties
added, L F J Lowe, T S Chappell and G Roberts. 37 new photographs added up to December
17th September
Gimlett family photo's
September 2011
Six casualties added, R
Lowe, T Williams, J Boyd, I Chance, D McVey and C Pritchard.
44 images of casualties
from late 1941 to June 1942 added.
August 2011
Three new casualties
added, Ethel Nickels born Newport 1885 and her daughter Denise and also
Edmund Taylor born Newport 1909.
August 2011
Ten new casualties,
James Cooper, Marlene Corlett aged 5, Joseph Healey, Frank Hopkins,
Albert Lester, Garnet Shore fireman killed in Coventry blitz, Anthony
Sitheras, John Stonehouse, Alban Thomas and Edward Williams.
165 obituaries,
memorials, etc added from 1941
August 2011
51 new photographs of
casualties in 1941 added.
July 2011
17 new casualties
added, both services and Newport civilians killed elsewhere in the
country along with family members.
E Brester, P W Brennan,
A J Coad, V J Dixon, J H Howlett, E F Parish, R E Ricks, S J S Wilson
and L Young.
The civilians, M E
Fitzgerald, D E James, E Reardon, L P Sullivan, N Sullivan, E Sullivan, E
E Wadlow and P J Wadlow.
July 2011
38 new photographs
added of casualties between Oct. 1940 - Mar 1941. The majority are those
of merchant navy casualties.
5th July
Two new casualties
added, T C Roden and E J Gabb. 48 obituaries etc and 10 photographs of
WW2 casualties also added.
June 2011
Photo of Arthur John Pope added.
June 2011
new casualty, W H Jenkins and five casualty photo's added. Also four
obituaries all from WWII
June 2011
Photographs of the
memorial in Llanthewey Road Baptist Church now the Burleigh Academy
June 2011
New photograph of Frank
Hicks added
9th June
One new photograph
added of A Moore. Nine obituaries and memorials as well as a video film
of Newport's D-Day parade in the video section.
6th June
One new casualty, J
Gill and 42 memorials added.
This concludes my research into the WW1 deaths and memorials section of
the South Wales Argus. I will now begin on the WW2 Argus sections.
Note: the Argus
memorials to Hammond Tregay Wyett seem to to relate to the entry on the
CWGC website to Hammond Tregay Bunn both of which are listed now on this
web site.
1st June 2011
36 memorials added and three
new casualties, E W Horley, E Thomas and J Tutton.
23rd May
Twelve new casualties,
J W Barratt, A Berry, S Chilcott, W Cook, G O Dumayne, A H Evans, T W P
Herbert, H G Jones, G M Maxwell, H P King, A Lovell and W J Nethercott,
120 memorials added.
15th May 2011
89 memorials from WW1 added.
Five new casualties, E R
Berry, A R Davis,
T J Hall, A A Morgan and J Stevens
9th May
155 WW1 memorials
Nine new casualties, W
Blackwell, G Dix, T Kempster, W M James, W Lawrence, T O'Neil, C
Pearson, G E Thomas and V R White.
7th May
New photographs of
Thomas Santwris and his grave added
April 2011
New casualty added,
Raymond John Sims, RAF.
April 2011
Details of the deaths
of Dennis Hicks, Cyril Walters and Arthur Wreford have been updated with
information from Mr Billy McGee.
9th April 2011
New casualty, Edward Canlan,
merchant navy.
3rd April 2011
97 new memorials
and obituaries added.
10 new
casualties, A V Fox, S Griffin, I D Johnson, T Martin, W T Lacey, T J
Lloyd, S Merryweather, I Richards, R W Stockwell and H Watts.
March 2011
New photographs of
Albert Walkley added.
March 2011
Henry John Edward Brownett, new casualty added.
More photo's added to
Amy Brown's entry
28th February 2011
Two new photo's added, Obadiah Baker and Martin
26th February 2011
Photo of Amy Brown added to her details. Amy I
believe is the only service woman from Newport to die as a result of
enemy action in WW2.
15th February 2011
Been a bit quiet lately as I had some
other work to do but will start back soon.
The Marshes Road and Crindau school s
memorial added.
January 2011
new photo's of the Boys Brigade memorial and the 8th of May painting
found in the Civic Centre added
28th December 2010
Eighteen new casualty names added from the St
Michael's church war memorial for both world wars.
The names are James Bickerstaff, John
Bickerstaff, F Burke, W J Casey, B McDonnell, T Myles and T O'Neill for
WW1 and D R Bray, J F Casey, S P Conlon, F D Crowley, T Doyle, A Gibson,
W Lester, R J Murphy, A Slattery, J Williams and L J Williams for WW2
26th December 2010
Malpas Road Evangelical church memorial photo's
added to the names on there.
Five new casualty names dded from the Roll of
Honours from this church, T H Coffey, E Hopkins, J T Jones, T A Orphan
and J H Dunsby.
25th December 2010
Photo of St Michael's war memorial added to the
names listed on there.
There are 19 new names listed that are not on
this web site and will added after further research.
12th December 2010
137 obituaries and memorials added.
Eight new casualties, H J Cook, T C Davies, J
Goodman, N Grunnah, A Horton, P H Murray, E G Tarrant and W H Walters.
9th December 2010
Thomas John Pearce added.
Six new casualty photo's added
2nd December 2010
A new section, "Video's" has been added to the web
27th November 2010
Five new casualties added, W J H Bell, W S
Berrow, W Howlett, D McNeil and Charles Williams.
90 obituaries and memorials added
26th November 2010
Eleven new casualty photo's added
21st November 2010
Four casualties added, H Davies, W
Griffin, E J Tuck and L E Venmore. Five casualty photographs added and
many more as well as many obituaries updated with slightly better
quality images
18th November 2010
One new casualty added, G O'Neil. Five new
photographs added
Photographs of the National Provincial Bank
World War One memorial situated in the NatWest bank, Newport also added.
14th November 2010
Memorials from St Michael's and St Paul's
churches added.
3rd November 2010
William Gallagher, new merchant navy casualty
Details of other merchant navy casualties
updated courtesy of Mr Billy McGee
3rd November 2010
World War II memorial at Bassaleg Grammer School
1st November 2010
One new casualty added, A J Williams and 24 new
obituaries and memorials added.
30th October 2010
Photo's of V Daniels, H Voles and one of the
news that Samuel Palmer is alive added.
Many others updated to slightly better quality
28th October 2010
Two new casualties added, A Wilson and I Jenkins
both merchant seamen. Also details of four other merchant navy men
updated, M Amaratos, A Carter, A Connop, C Morrishore and R Thompson.
Information supplied by Mr. Billy McGee
17th October 2010
Three casualties added, H Evans, D J Pintches
and G F Vickery.
30 obituaries and memorials added and 65
obituaries and memorials updated to better qualty.
16th October 2010
One new casualty added C Cross.
50+ photographs updated to a slightly better
quality and five new ones added.
4th October 2010
Many new obituaries and memorials added and
others along with some casualty photo's updated to slightly better
Six new casualties added, E E Hurn, A F Janson,
A T Light, W S Malpas, T W Marsh and A A Morgan.
21st September 2010
Sgt. Andrew Jones, killed in Afghanistan on 18th
September 2010
73 obituaries and memorials added
17th September 2010
Details of Frederick Tenow updated
16th September 2010
Two new casualties added, B C Shaw and C G Shaw.
details updated for A W Williams.
Photo of the headstone of W J Kelsey and the plaque
commemorating J D Witheridge both in the Glyn Taff cemetery and
crematorium added. Photo of the plaque also added to the memorials web
12th September 2010
Photo's of the headstones of Dennis Heirene and
Ivor Williams including a memorial to Stanley Rhys Williams in Cathays
cemetery, Cardiff added
6th September 2010
153 new obituaries and memorials added. Nine
casualties added, W H Evans, F Morris, J Murphy, W Murphy, V Price, F
Rees, F G Richards, H E Sealey and A W Storrar.
3rd September 2010
Photographs of the new memorial to John Wallace
(Tubby) Linton at the Malpas Court, Communities First Centre added to
the Memorials web page
31st August 2010
Photograph of Frank Vincent Banwell's grave added
23rd August 2010
Eight new casualties added, G F Chivers, R Daly, T
F Davies, N Jones, H G Stretton, W L C Tee, J Travers and O T White.
74 new obituaries and memorials added.
22nd August 2010
One new casualty added, William James Pollard. Four
photographs added and others updated.
15th August 2010
109 new obituaries and memorials added and 12 new
casualties, Eli Adams who served and died as Frances Jones, F Blunt, G F
Champion, Alfred Davies, S L Faithfull, W S Harvey, R R Hutton, C E
Lewis, H J Rees, F W Strong, J Sullivan and J Turney
13th August 2010
Three photographs added and some others updated
9th August 2010
YMCA WW1 memorial plaque added to the Memorials web
New casualty added, Thomas Woore
Photographs and further information added to
Giovanni Tambini's entry. Giovanni was killed when the SS Arandora Star
was torpedoed in 1940. Giovanni was arrested at his business and home in
Newport and sent to Canada as an internee and died during the subsequent
8th August 2010
80 new obituaries and memorial's added. Four new
casualties, W Baker, A Jenkins, H Morgan and H Rowland added and a number of photographs
16th July 2010
Two casualties added, J Murphy and I Price.
A number of photographs updated.
27th July 2010
Three casualties added, C Carlson, F G Padden and G
T Willcocks.
14 obituaries added and some photographs updated
25th July 2010
Photograph and details of David Waters added
11th July 2010
Three casualties added, S Flook, E Francis
and A J Knapp. 27 obituaries and 27 photographs added or updated.
4th July 2010
Four new casualties added, Guido Conti, Antonio
Rabaiotti, Giovanni Stellon and Giovanni Tambini. These are Newport's
Italian internee's that died when the SS Arandora Star which was
conveying them to a an internee camp in Canada was torpedoed and sunk on
2nd July 1940.
2nd June 2010
Ten obituaries and ten photographs added.
Three new casualties, J Cain, A E Edmunds and H
27th June 2010
19 new images and obituaries added for 1914 and one
new casualty, J J Harrington
14th June
90 new photographs of casualties
added and 6 new names, E Evans, J Fletcher, G T Thomas, A T Jones, W
E Oakes and A Walters.
12th June
200 obituaries and memorials added
to casualty names.
17 new casualties added, A J
Bolton, R W Brown, G S Burley, Sgt. Cowell, W S Davies, J Duckam (alias
for White), E Evans, F H Fortey, F A George, C Gibbs, A Harris, G Jones, W
H Jones, F Mathias, F O Richards, S Sweet and T J Whatley.
2nd June 2010
Photographs of the memorials in the Malpas Road
Evangelical Church added
30th May 2010
Photographs added of Newport's D-Day memorial and
the river front memorial to John Wallace Linton, V.C., D.S.O., D.S.C.,
25th May 2010
18 photographs added of casualties in 1918.
24th May 2010
164 new obituaries and memorials added. 17
casualties added, C Austin, A Davies, E Edwards, A H Evans, W H Evans, J
Fletcher, S Jackson, A T James, P H Jenkins, A H Jones, T T Jones, W
Nelson, J Newland, 70 year old J Poole, S L Salathiel, W J Sidney and G
16th May 2010
One new casualty added, H J Hiscox, RAFVR
10th May 2010
10 photographs of casualties added and three
casualty names, J Lewis, J Morris and W J Williams.
9th May 2010
139 memorials and obituaries added for men killed in
Eleven new casualties added, J Charlton, W
Charlton, A Davies, A W Evans, H Hurley, C A Jenkins, S llewellyn, J
McKim, F Robinson, E Rowlands and J B P Simms.
3rd May 2010
Photograph of the Royal British Legion Club added
to the "Heinkel 111P2 bomber crash" web page
in the SWA section.
It was here that Harry Wappler
landed on his parachute when his aircraft crashed in Stow Park Avenue
2nd May 2010
Photographs of the WW1 and Boer war memorials in
St. John the Baptist church on the Risca Road added, more to follow.
Seven new casualty names added to the database, WB
Birt, CG Cox, DC Cox, S Cullimore, CV Lyne, EG Winter and RH Winter.
30th April 2010
Three new casualty names added, D George, T W A
Legg and T J Maloney.
29th April 2010
Two photographs of the Malpas WW1 memorial added to
the memorial web page.
28th April 2010
Eleven casualties added to the data base, 110
memorial and obituary clips from the SWA and 16 photographs of
The casualties are: W Andrews, F Beeston, H
Castenie, W H Davies, R O Gladstone, J H Norris, W A Overend, F J
Pollard , W C Tanner, W Wollan and H Woolrich.
24th March
New casualty added, Herbert Thomas
Keyes RN
22nd March
New casualty added, Merchant
seaman Martin Erzeneek
11th March 2010
Additional information added about the deaths of
five young Newport merchant seaman aged 16 and under by permission of Mr
Billy McGee from his book "They Shall Grow Not Old"
See "Young Service Casualties" web page
9th March 2010
Many photographs of the panels on Plymouths Naval
memorial added to the casualties whose name appears on them.
These have been added by the grateful
permission of Mr Chris Goddard whose own web site can be viewed by
Clicking Here.
February 2010
Details of the death of James
McCann added to his entry
February 2010
Five ships photographs added to
casualty list A and nine to casualty list C
February 2010
8 new photograph's of ship's added
to both
Royal and Merchant Navy casualties in list B
6th February
One new casualty added, Thomas
December 2009
Two photo's added of Donald and
Trevor Keyse
3rd December 2009
A poem attached to an original but highly
deteriorated photo of Edward Brothwood added to his entry.
8th December 2009
Frederick Barker, a new casualty added
2nd December 2009
Entries from some of Newport High School registers
added to Pat Griffiths, Robert Hammett, Myrtle Phillips and Stanley
Stevens entries
29th November 2009
Six new casualties added from WW1 from information
supplied by Steve Veysey who has also sent me some service notes on other
RN men which have now been added to their entries.
The new casualties are, Francis Baker, John
Christian, Wilfrid Griffiths, Arthur Hodges, Frederick Kelly and Alfred
My thanks to Steve.
Some of the details concerning the escape from the
Shaps Well Hotel in Cumbria of Harry Wappler, the Heinkel pilot brought
down by the barrage balloon in Newport have been updated following
information sent to me by Steve Simpson, manager of the Shaps Well hotel.
8th November
Photographs of Newport's Cenotaph
and Merchant Navy memorials added
2nd November
New casualty added, Frederick A
Fuller details of some casualties
added in the letters M - Z
27th October
Details of another Newport young
casualty added, John William Lord, aged 16.
Some casualty details between the
letters H - L now updated with the CWGC details
19th October
Some casualty details between the
letters A - G now updated with the CWGC details
13th October
Photographs of memorials to some
of its parishioners from St John's church, Maindee along with others of
the military standards that are laid up in the church added to the
Memorials web page
7th October
New casualty with photographs
added, Sydney Powell
6th October
one new casualty added, E Mapstone
and two new photographs
September 2009
New photo of William Inns added
along with some religious cards kept with the photo
September 2009
Seven new casualties added, A
Bennett, J Bailey, S Court, S James, E Morgan, S Palmer and G Vranch.
Twenty new photographs also added.
15th September 2009
46 new photographs added of casualties from 1918.
Thirteen new names added to the database, James Bailey, Richard Callear,
Richard Cook, Fred Davies, T Harris, Henry John, Alex McPherson, Herbert
Morgan, H J Morgan, W Pearce, I I Pearce, Theo Taylor and Albert Williams
28th August 2009
Two new casualties added, John Cashman and Arthur
Davies. 38 photographs added including one and the story of Gertrude Dyer
who was given a full military funeral.
22nd August 2009
Four new casualties added, Chas Bailey, A Beeston, M
Sanders and R Silk. 47 photographs of casualties from 1916/17 also added
16th August 2009
Seven new casualties added from 1916, N Ball, J D
Bevan, A Clutton, W J Hayes, A J Lewis, E J Thomas and P Watts. About
sixty photographs also added with one of the nurse Alice Guy who died on
active service in 1916
7th August 2009
About 35 new photographs added of casualties in 1915.
Twelve new casualties added, H C Adams, T Birch, W H
Clarke, J E Davies, W J Dick, father, W J Dick, son, F Ellis, W Saunders, A A Sullivan, W
Sullivan, D J Waters and I Williams.
31st July 2009
Ten new casualties added, A Bates, W J Deakin, H R
James, C Jones, D J Jones, N Mahoney, T G Rees, J T Simmonds, R Small and J W White.
Some casualty details updated and a number of
new photographs from the SWA added to the details for some casualties in mid 1915
27th July 2009
Newport High School entry register page added for W E
26th July 2009
Photograph of the grave of the parents of Donald and
Trevor Keyse with a memorial to both their sons killed at sea whilst in
the merchant navy.
My thanks to Maurice Keyse for the photograph
25th July 2009
Photograph of the war memorial in Shaftesbury Street
Methodist church added and to the entries of the names that are on it.
Photo courtesy of Mr Derek Everett
14th July 2009
Numerous photo's added of some casualties lost
between April and June 1915 taken from the South Wales Argus.
Five new casualties added to the list, F Moseley,
Fred Morgan, E Rowlands, J Lawrence and F C Taylor
9th July 2009
New casualty added, William Albert James Dawes
A number of newspaper cuttings added to the following
names, Cruikshank, Dawes, Dowling, Eichman, Evans, Fisher, Gardner,
Hillier, Hinton, Kimber, Meredith, Morris, Muddle, Overend, Paul, Pearce,
Riddle and Young.
8th July 2009
Three new casualty added, Reginald George Paul, Kenneth Ivor Frank Charteris Norman-Wright
and William Pearce
30th June 2009
New casualty added, John Stanton.
29th June 2009
St Mary's RC memorial thumbnail picture's added to
the casualties names of those I can find.
P J Davies, a new casualty added
28th June 2009
Memorial Scroll photo added to William Prosser's
entry and photographs of the two world wars memorials in St Mary's Church,
Stow Hill added.
Also photographs of the memorial to the drill hall
that once stood in Stow Hill where many men were conscripted and sent off
to war and also the once Old Contemtibles Club building which is now part
of a night club in Stow Hill.
Look for these on the "Memorials" web page
25th June 2009
Photographs of William Prosser added along with one
of his "Widow's" penny
22nd June 2009
Two new photographs of Ivor Ginello (Gineloer) added of him and
his family
18th June 2009
Two new photo's added of Richard Stokes
15th June 2009
Six new casualties with graves at St Woolos added including Lilian Kate Jones
14th June 2009
Two new casualties added both buried at St Woolos
cemetery, P Lynch from Dublin and J Sciberras from Malta. Photographs of
their headstone and the headstone's of George H Jones, S J Jones, E
Kerswell, K H Williams and A T Wright added.
12th June 2009
New headstone/grave photographs at St Woolos cemetery
added of William Dallimore, Arthur Gibbon, G Gough, Francis Limbrick,
Thomas Lloyd, Albert Pumford, George Salter, William Thomas, W Toms,
William Williams.
3rd June 2009
Photo's of the graves at Christchurch cemetery added
for both civilian and military casualties. The surnames are Baker, Bayliss,
Bird, Comley, Dyer, Hipkiss, Hopkins, Jordan, Ley, Payne, Poole, Pratt,
Richards, Vincent and Wade.
31st May 2009
Some newspaper cuttings added to the names of
John Hazell, Mervyn Howell, George Merrick, Hubert Owen, F Bennett, W C
Dally, Frank Haines, Harold Hawkins, James Mansfield, Godfrey Stevens,
Frank Thomas and Wilfred Worthy
30th May 2009
Photograph of Royston Charles Pugh added
27th May 2009
New information and photo supplied by Mr Billy McGee
about the sinking of the SS San Demetrio on which gunner Bramwell Ludlow
was killed
25th May 2009
Link added from the Home (first} page of this web
site to some "clickable" First World War songs on the Veterans Affairs
Canada web site. Listen to some of the songs that the soldiers and
civilians of the day used to sing and listen too.
21st May 2009
Photographs of S G Fox and Mervyn Howell added. SWA
stories of the deaths of John Hazell, Hubert Owen and Sylvester
Perez also added along with SWA story of the sinking of the SS Arlington
Court with Thomas England on board.
14th May 2009
New photographs sent to me by the son of Charle
Sellick also named Charles of the memorial with his dads name on at the
MEDJEZ-EL-BAB memorial cemetery in
13th May 2009
Photographs of the Lysaght's War memorial and its
re-dedication at its new home at the steelworks following development of
the site where it was originally installed. Also added the memorial plaque
to the employee's of Stewart and Lloyds which is also on the Lysaght's
All these photographs can be seen on the Public
Memorials web page and also a link to photographs of the dedication
service can be found under the Lysaghts memorial heading
Two new casualties added, Ronald Evan Walter Davies
and William Reginald Gill
12th May 2009
Photo's of casualties Les Avery and Trevor Keyse and
ship photo's of the SS Jersey City and SS Lady Glanely that Harry Gwyther
and James Driscoll lost their lives in added.
9th May 2009
James Bernard Driscoll and Wybert Rowland Gwyther,
two new casualties. Details for the death of Jack Glover also added.
28th April 2009
New photo's of George Ferris, Robert Wiggins and
Raymond Anthony and his wife
26th April 2009
New casualty added, John Bartlett died 6th May 1918
21st April 2009
New "Update's" web page added.
Two new casualties added, A C Hillman and A J Green.
New photo's of casualties added and some announcement's of death from the
South Wales Argus for part of 1944 as well as details of two previous
casualties added now that the correct spelling of their surnames has been